Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Introduction: A brief history and some outrageous statistics!

Please try to keep an open mind while reading my first post and please don’t dismiss this as a topic that does not matter! It is actually a very important issue that has been an option to “improve” teenagers' self-esteem – an option taken by over 219,000 young adults between the ages of 13-19 in the year 2008 alone. Cosmetic plastic surgery is not just "hot", as Paris Hilton would say, for celebrities and Hollywood starlets to do anymore, it has also become a very popular trend seen in the teenagers and young adults who consider these men and women to be their idols.
The issue of cosmetic plastic surgery in teenagers really caught my eye while I was reading the statistics provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The increase of procedures in teenagers over the years is outrageous! For instance, The total number of cosmetic procedures performed on teenagers in 1997 was 60,000 in comparison to the total 225,000 in 2003. The Rhinoplasty procedures, commonly referred to as nose jobs, in teenagers eighteen years and younger have been increasing by 12% each year since 1994. In 1994 the total number of rhinoplasty procedures was 4,311 compared to 42,513 total nose jobs in 2003. In 2000, more than 6,200 teenagers 18 and younger underwent liposuction - which Dr. Antell, a top plastic surgeon in New York City stated, "it would be a rare case where you do liposuction on a teenager because a lot of teens grow out of their baby fat." Although the statistics themselves are very troublesome, I was even more curious of the reasons 219,000 teenagers could possibly have to undergo cosmetic surgery...

I know this is not much to go on, but no worries, the posts are just getting started! I would really appreciate it if you would all comment on my post to voice your opinions on the topic and any suggestions you have for my future posts, thanks! :)

Citations: 2007 Cosmetic Surgery Age Distribution - American Society of Plastic Surgeons
2008 Cosmetic Surgery Age Distribution - American Society of Plastic Surgeons
"Doctors Approach Cosmetic Surgery with Kid Gloves" - No Author
"Is Plastic Surgery a Teen Thing?" - Denise Mann

For my next post, we will be discussing the underlying reasons that teenagers are undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery!


  1. i had no idea that so many teenagers were getting plastic surgery. your blog was wonderful and real informative. this is a topic we should think about.

  2. Wow so many teenagers are undergoing the knife. What a travesty!

  3. Sarah I am so glad you are getting this horrifying news out to the public. As I was reading your blog, I was shocked at how many teenagers are getting cosmetic plastic surgery these days! You provided a lot of good information! I just don't think that young adults should be getting all these plastic surgeries to "improve" the way they look. Someone needs to give them the old "it's what is on the inside that counts," speech. hahah

  4. This was VERY informative and is an issue that isn't discussed enough. I'm so glad that someone our age is bringing this to light, because as you've written, teenage plastic surgery has become much more common these days. People need to accept who they are and love what makes them unique. When they get plastic surgery to rid themselves of their imperfections, they lose what makes them individually beautiful. No more plastic surgery for teens! Why should we live in a world full of barbie clones? Individuality is much more interesting.

  5. It's so sad to hear that this is going on in our society. Because it is fueled by the media which in turn affects high school, shouldn't the focus be on setting a good example in school by not competing on standards based on the skinniest, most cleavage, most popular, etc. and inspiring other students through positive example?

  6. Thanks for sharing this information! I had no idea this is happening! Why would parents even let their children get elective plastic surgery? This information is really needed and makes us all think!

  7. So many people - especially women, think that external changes will make them happy. " I will be happy when I am a size 2 " or " I would be happy with a smaller nose" etc. Poeple put their lives on hold while they wait for things to make them happy and when they finaly achieve these external changes are left confused - because after the immediate alteration nothing has really changed. I appreciate the work and effort that you have done on this subject. I hope that teenagers and their parents think long and hard before undertaking surgery. And if they do, I hope that it is done in tandem with some soul searching and "internal" work as well. There are no quick fixes..

  8. I'm so glad that you are telling everyone about this! I had no idea that the situation was this out of control! You are so right when you said that surgery shouldn't be the alternative to a low self esteem. I can't wait to read more about this domestic crisis!!!

  9. Wow, it really came as a suprise to me how high the statistics were. It is sad to hear of rising 8th graders getting plastic surgery as their "graduation present" but it's sadly true. I hope that girls can look into themselves and realize how beautiful they really are, inside and out.

  10. i didnt realize this many teens underwent plastic surgery. what has society come too?

  11. I don't understand why people that are still developing would resort to taking drastic and semi-permanent steps to improve something physical about themselves that hasn't finished growing yet. If it is a serious deformity, then maybe it's legitimate, but they should still wait until they're fully developed to "fix" anything. For example, a lot of kids think liposuction will solve all weight problems, as opposed to learning the "natural" way to lose weight, through healthy eating and exercise. I think our generation is severely under-informed and that needs to change

  12. It is incredible how many young people are considering surgery!, in my case I would not do it because i think it would hurt so much!! i think young people should care more of things that are really important instead of paying all that money to feel they are pretty. We don't have to be skinny to be happy, but we have to be successful to feel comfortable.

  13. wow! i can't believe this is happening, something needs to be done/changed!

  14. i had no idea that this many teens were getting plastic surgery! this is very informative you did a wonderful job!!!!!! :)

  15. your numbers on the number of 13-19 year olds that have gotten liposuction is staggering. for the portion of those kids that were 13-17, theyre parents out to be arrested!!! plastic surgery at such a young age messes up a kids sense of self confidence for life

  16. It is very sad that so many young teenagers have such low self esteem issues. I hope kids will turn to other outlets besides plastic surgery...lots of other things can boost self esteem!

  17. Wow I had no idea that this was going on! These statistics are mind-blowing. I'm glad that you're bringing up such an unknown subject to everyone.

  18. These stats are pretty crazy! I didnt know that so many young people were getting plastic surgery

  19. Sweetie. i never knew this. its crazy.

  20. What happened to losing fat the old fashioned way...excercising and eating right? I can't see why liposuction would even be healthy for kids. It's kind of like teaching them to take the easy way out of their problems, and their parents are allowing it.

  21. those statistics are crazy! I had no idea of any of that

  22. I agree completely that teenagers should not resort to such drastic measures to boost their self-confidence and images. It is sometimes a touchy subject because many teens do suffer from a lack of confidence due to the pressures of today's society and I know how hard it is to want to impress others. But what is important is to be yourself and your great information can help those to realize there are more ways to go about gaining confidence and loving yourself than permantly changing your looks!

  23. I didn't know that many kids had plastic surgery. Thats crazy. I don't think teenagers should have plastic surgery. Its good that your bringing this to our attention

  24. This is so sad. Every girl has poor self image, but they should not feel obligated to undergo plastic surgery.

  25. I think that these statistics are very unfortunate and it's good that you are making people aware of the problems that a lot of youth are facing.

  26. I think that plastic surgery is good if you need it then you should get it.

  27. I think that its peoples choice, if they think their fat, maybe they are, and maybe they should get plastic surgery.

  28. I think it's amazing that people at this age have had cosmetic surgery. They could have long term stress problems after the encounters they go through during these surgical procedures. The experiences you have in your teenage years affect your outlook on life.

  29. I believe that if the child and parents think that cosmetic surgery is the best option then its ok. However, it can lead to child stress problems and the child never being proud of their self image.

  30. teenagers should wait until at least 18, this is because your body may still be developing. also, plastic surgery doesn't need to be overused.

  31. I believe that it is beneficial to post these atrocities in order to stop this from further occuring. The truth is that these events displayed are vulgur and disgusting happenings and children at such young ages should not consent to plastic surgery until they are fully developed.

  32. Plastic surgery can be beneficial or detramental to ones health, i feel that it is your choice wether or not you want to partake.

  33. The risks of plastic surgery can often outwiegh the benefits so the decision to undergo that magnitude of operation should be carfully considered, especially in the case of a minor.

  34. I think that if we changed who young people look up to then we could lower the amount of teen plastic surgery being performed. Most teenagers look up to perfect size 2 supermodels, singers, and actresses. These people are photoshopped in all of their pictures and in reality do not look like they do in pictures. If a more real view of these role models was portrayed, then it could help boost teenager's self esteem, which would hopefully lower the amount of teen plastic surgery being done.

  35. this is so cool i can't wait to get my boob and nose job next year.

  36. I cant believe all of this nonsense is happening!

  37. if you don't like something about yourself then you should change it and if this is the way you want to do it then its fine.

  38. i think its horrible that people are so unhappy with themselves that they feel they need to get plastic surgery.

  39. Well this is just so sad for those poor little honeys who don't like the way they look. I don't know how those parents could consent to something like this!

  40. I had no idea this many teenagers were getting plastic surgery and it so sad that they're so unhappy with the way they look! It's good your bringing this to attention because the statistics for this are way too big. The results of getting the surgery are terrible and many people should know about them.
